The Clear Acne Light Therapy Treatment Head uses blue LED light that effectively kills the acne-causing bacteria which clogs pores, and it also treats current blemishes and prevents breakouts. In one study, ninety-percent of the people said that it helped existing acne and helped prevent future breakouts.
The Regenerate Anti-Aging Light Therapy Treatment Head uses red LED light to helps improve skin texture, color, and tone while diminishing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. In a study, ninety-two percent of the people said that their skin felt more rejuvenated and smooth.
The reason why these two different (red/blue) light therapies work is because when colors are perceived, the eye is detecting bands of wavelengths within the visible light. Humans can see visible light from violent through red. This is why the blue and red are used for different aspects on the skin.
You can buy Tanda Professional Skin Care Systems online.
I personally think that this is a great way to make your skin feel good and for you to feel better about your skin. Like most things in life- it is expensive, but worth your bucks if you look at the percentage that it has worked on.